Privacy & Cookie Policy

Your privacy is very important to us. When you register to receive information or updates from us the information you input on the registration form is not passed on or sold to anyone at all, it is entirely for our own use to keep you informed. 

To send information we need to know where to send it obviously so we ask for an email address. We also ask some questions such as type of organisation. We need this and other information to target you when we send out updates we then know are relevant to you.

You can unsubscribe at any time using the links on the emails and the website. We do not pass on your information to anyone, we only use it to send you our information and keep you informed of new products, offers and changes to our services.

We will contact you only when the need arises, will never send you spam or material from other sources, will never pass on or sell your details, they are for our use only. Rest assured that total confidentiality is very important to us.

You can see the information we hold for you at any time by using the Preferences link on any of the emails we send to you. You are able to change any of this adding or deleting what you wish. Obviously the more fields you fill in the more accurate our work will be to keep you updated if you select to be kept updated.

You can choose the services to receive from us. By clicking the "Register" link on our pages and you will be taken to a registration page where you fill in the details we require as detailed above. You will also be able to select the updates you would like . Once you have chosen and pressed the button you will receive the Information pack by email.

If you selected to receive updates you will only receive them as they are released.
